By Everybody Loves Languages

Learning a new language is a valuable skill that can benefit individuals in numerous ways. The advantages of being bilingual or multilingual are well-documented and recognized, from increased work opportunities to enhanced cognitive abilities. But did you know that learning languages is also closely linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations? 

The SDGs are 17 global goals to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, peace, and justice. The UN hopes to create a better, more equitable world for current and future generations by advocating for sustainable development. 

At Everybody Loves Languages, we believe education and learning languages are the basis for improving people’s lives and work opportunities.​ Our everyday work aims to contribute directly to at least three of these 17 SDGs:

Quality Education 

  • Learning languages promotes cultural understanding and empathy, creating a more inclusive and tolerant educational environment. 
  • Learning languages enhances cognitive abilities such as problem-solving and critical thinking, leading to a higher quality educational experience for students. 
  • Multilingualism prepares students for a globalized world, where communication across borders and cultures is essential for success. 

    Decent Work and Economic Growth 

    • Proficiency in multiple languages can open up more employment opportunities and increase the chances of career advancement, especially in industries that require communication with international clients or partners. 
    • Language skills can help businesses engage in international trade more effectively by allowing for clearer communication with partners in other countries. This can lead to increased economic growth through expansion into new markets. 
    • Countries with a multilingual workforce are more attractive to foreign investors, who may see the potential for better communication and understanding in business dealings. This can lead to increased economic growth and job creation. 
    • Learning languages can help promote understanding and cooperation between different cultures and countries. This can lead to more peaceful and productive international relationships, benefiting the global economy. 
    • Language skills can enable individuals to access different perspectives and ways of thinking, leading to increased creativity and innovation in the workplace.  

    Reduced Inequalities 

    • Language barriers can limit marginalized communities’ access to education, employment, and social services. By promoting language learning, we can create a more inclusive society where everyone has equal opportunities. 
    • Multilingualism can also foster greater cross-cultural understanding and empathy, helping to reduce prejudice and discrimination. based on language or nationality. 
    • Learning languages can empower individuals to advocate for their rights and participate more actively in decision-making processes. By enabling individuals to communicate effectively and engage with others, language skills can help reduce inequalities in access to information, resources, and opportunities for marginalized groups. 

    One key aspect of sustainable development is promoting cultural understanding and acceptance of diversity. Learning a new language enables individuals to gain valuable skills and insight into a new culture and way of life.. This can help foster empathy, respect, and tolerance for different perspectives, ultimately contributing to a more harmonious and peaceful world. 

    In conclusion, learning languages can advance Sustainable Development Goals by promoting quality education, creating decent work and economic growth, and reducing inequalities. So, whether you’re learning or teaching a new language for personal or professional reasons, remember that your efforts can also contribute to creating a more sustainable and equitable world for all of us.  

    For more information on ELL’s solutions for learning languages, visit:

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